School Awards
The Quality in Careers Standard awarded by Inspiring IAG
Stockport School have been awarded The Quality in Careers Standard by Inspiring IAG.
“Summary – The culture of Stockport School is that of aspiration and improving the life chances for its students. CEIAG plays a key, underlying role in this. The delivery model of CEIAG is a varied and mixed one,to meet different students’ needs, but also has a personalised approach. I am delighted to recommend that Stockport School achieves The Quality in Careers Standard, as delivered by Inspiring IAG”.
The Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI) Mark – Awarded to Languages & Science Departments.
The Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI) launched the Schools Programme in 2007 to recognise and reward school departments that develop inspirational ideas and activities which enhance the teaching of Art, English, Geography, History, Latin, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music and Science, regardless of their pupils’ backgrounds or abilities. It is run as a membership group for school departments that choose to commit to increasing the challenge of their subject provision.
Our Modern Languages & Science departments received the Mark in recognition of their progress towards increasing challenge within the curriculum, enthusing students through subject-based activities beyond the curriculum, developing their staff’s specialist subject knowledge, and forging subject-based links outside school.
Prince’s Teaching Institute Subject Leadership Mark Certificate – MFL & Science
Prince’s Teaching Institute Subject Leadership Mark Certificate – Science
Headtechers Letter regarding PTI Mark for our Science and Modern Foreign Language department’s
Incorporated Society of Music (ISM)
We are delighted to inform you of another accolade for the school and in particular the Music department, the Incorporated Society of Music (ISM) have awarded us a commendation for our commitment to Music, noting that last year, more than 10% of the overall Key Stage 4 cohort at Stockport School achieved an A*-C in GCSE Music, placing us amongst the highest achieving schools across England in terms of music!
This is excellent news and a well-deserved recognition of the importance placed on music and the arts at Stockport School. The ISM is a highly respected professional body and is the membership society of choice for many professional musicians throughout the UK. They campaign tirelessly for the support and importance of music in education, so it is wonderful to see they they have noted the school’s achievements at GCSE level with this award.
Congratulations to the Music department for their hard work and commitment in this achievement.
eTwinning School Quality Label – awarded for Postcard Exchange Project
The National Quality Label is concrete recognition to teachers and schools of the high level of their eTwinning activities. For pupils, this offers a boost to their work efforts, and for the school in general, a public affirmation of their commitment to quality and openness in European collaborative work.
Congratulations on being awarded the eTwinning School label.
We’re delighted to inform you that your application to be accredited as an eTwinning School has been successful, one of 29 in the UK and 2,000 across Europe.
You’re school has been recognised for its approach to eTwinning in particular through:
- your high quality, impactful projects with other schools in Europe
- the impact those project have had on pupils
- your school’s approach to eSafety
- involvement in eTwinning events and training activities
- the work you have done to promote your eTwinning work with others
Best Wishes,
O Wright
Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
Leading Parent Partnership Award is a national award that provides a coherent framework through which schools, early years settings and other educational organisations can deliver effective parental engagement from early years to post-16.
Stockport School is proud of its working relationships with parents and carers. Our vision is for parents, carers and families to continue to develop and enhance their involvement in the life of learning that their child experiences at our school. We want families to feel comfortable and happy to spend time in school working in partnership with our staff and to spend time at home with their child talking about learning.
As a result of our strong track record of working to support parents and carers, together with a wide variety of new initiatives, we were successful in achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA), for the first time. This award looks at how well we work with parents and carers, how welcoming the school is, and how we support parents in helping their child to learn. It was a very thorough but rewarding process and through it we began to realise our vision of parents, carers and families becoming even more involved in the life of learning that their child experiences at our school.
Stockport School has been successfully reassessed for the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) May 2023
The EEF’s mission is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils across England by identifying the most effective teaching and learning approaches in the classroom and sharing that evidence as widely as possible. The importance of this aim is clear to every individual involved in education, but it cannot be achieved unless we work together. By participating in this project Stockport School are part of an historic collective effort that will benefit pupils across the country.
Stockport School is an example of an organisation which has embraced proven approaches to strong leadership, good management, effective consultation and empowerment. Having carried out the assessment process in accordance with the guidelines provided for Specialists by UK Commissions for Employment and Skills, the Specialist was satisfied beyond any doubt that Stockport School meet the requirements of the Investors in People Standard.
As a Centre of Excellence Stockport School has;
- Senior leadership commitment – the management of financial education is fully supported by the school’s senior leadership team;
- A champion – a key teacher with day-to-day responsibility for planning and driving quality finance education;
- A cohesive teaching and learning programme – a well planned and high quality provision of financial education, delivered within all key stagesr;
- Effective learning and assessment approaches – trained teachers who can motivate, challenge and assess pupils’ learning;
- Pupil involvement – young people inform and drive and the development of their learning;
- Community engagement – links to other organisations locally and a willingness to use financial sector volunteers to add value;
- Dissemination and sustainability – the ability to operate independently of pfeg support and the enthusiasm to showcase and disseminate work to inspire other local schools/colleges;
Young Carers in Schools is an exciting England-wide initiative that equips schools to support young carers and awards good practice. Run jointly by Carers Trust and The Children’s Society Young Carers in Focus partners, we are improving the identification and support of young carers in schools across the country, so that they get the help they need. This initiative is funded by The Queen’s Trust and The Big Lottery Fund. By taking part in the Young Carers in Schools programme, schools will be able to show that they are meeting the needs of a particularly vulnerable group of pupils (specifically mentioned in Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook).
Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision Artsmark is delivered by Trinity College London and 10 regional Bridge organisations drive participation. We are proud to have the support of the Department for Education, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) and a number of other partners. Stockport School is very proud to have been re-awarded Arts Mark at the highest level of Gold, most recently in January 2023.
The Basic skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy. It is awarded to a setting or school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy, and is valid for three years. A school or setting must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in literacy and numeracy, with evidence of the impact of its approaches. It provides a framework for self-evaluation and continuous improvement of the basic skills of all pupils in a school, including those who underachieve and those who underattain. Stockport School is proud to have achieved this award on 5 continuous occasions.
Educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school. An educationally inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matters. Effective schools are educationally inclusive schools. This shows, not only in their performance, but also in their ethos and their willingness to offer new opportunities to pupils who may have experienced previous difficulties. This does not mean treating all pupils in the same way. Rather it involves taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs.
SSAT Leading Edge
Following hot on the heels of the letter which we received from the Rt. Hon. Nick Gibb MP, I am very pleased to attach another high profile congratulatory letter recognising the significant success, progress and high performance of the school, this time from Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of the School, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT).
In Sue’s letter she congratulates the school upon our success and great work and informs us that as a result of our success, the school is “now eligible for membership of SSAT’s Leading Edge, the national network exclusively available to high-performing schools.”
This is again great news and a terrific recognition for us as a school to be recognised at a national level as a ‘high-performing school’.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for all schools and youth-centred organisations. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility.