ACE Programme
At Stockport School we have established a new programme focussed on widening the horizons of our students. In Years 8 and 9 you will have the opportunity to take part in our ACE or Aspiring Careers Education programme. Workshops will provide you with opportunities to hear from and interview real life employers and employees from across Stockport and the North West.
If you have a suggestion of a career you would like to hear about during one of our ACE sessions, please contact our School Careers Leader, Mr E Riley Email here for further information.
Employability Skills
At Stockport School, we want to support you and enable you to become work ready. From the moment you begin in Year 7 you are building up a range of key employability skills, such as:
Target Setting
Take the time to consider these skills, which ones do you feel confident about? Try to use your experiences in school to enhance your employability skills. Take the opportunity to grow outside of the classroom by getting involved in school life, the local community and in extra-curricular activities.
Feedback and Guidance
We are always looking for our students’ views on our Careers Programme. If you have anything you would like to share, please contact the School Careers Leader, Mr E Riley Email here
You can also contact Mrs Schofield Email here if you have any queries or questions relating to Careers and Further Education.
Use of GMACS & Xello
Useful Links
- The Stockport Jobs Match Digital College Prospectus –
https://stockport-jobsmatch.co.uk/digital-college-sixth-form-prospectus-2022-23 - The Stockport Jobs Match Digital Apprenticeship Booklet –
https://stockport-jobsmatch.co.uk/national-apprenticeship-week-2023 - The Stockport Jobs Parents’ Guide to National Careers Week 2023 –
Michael.henshall-watson@stockport.gov.uk /
tel: 0161 4742300 ext. 2312
Michael Henshall Watson
Level 6 qualification in Careers Guidance
Level 6 qualification in Learning, Development and Support Services
Michael provides independent careers guidance for all KS4 students in a one to one interview, parents and carers are welcome to attend if they wish. Students can drop in at Grand Central to see Michael during school holidays 12.30pm to 4.30pm; no need for appointment.
The Education and Careers Advice Service is located next to Subway and McDonalds on the A6. During term time appointments will need to be booked via the office tel 0161 4742300
Inspire and engage every student in future planning
Xello is an engaging online program that prepares students for post-secondary success in academics, careers and life. With Xello, you’ll have everything you need to help your students build the skills and knowledge to create actionable plans for the future, regardless of their chosen pathway.
Help your child explore their future career and education options at home by encouraging them touse Start – a fantastic online careers learning tool. Start is accessible anytime on computers andcompatible mobile and tablet devices, and is designed to enable young people to make excellentchoices about their futures.
The Apprenticeship Store offers guidance and assistance to anyone seeking an apprenticeship. Young people are able to search for job vacancies and are given support with their applications by staff it the store. The Apprenticeship Store is open Monday to Friday 10.00am until 4.30pm every week.
Stockport Apprenticeship Store, Unit 4-6 Grand Central, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3TA.
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CDL is the place for progression. Got what it takes? Get on board.
Improve your chances of achieving your ambitions. how2become.com sell a wide variety of resources including information about jobs and practice assessments for selection into specific careers.
iCould.com is a website which is open to everyone which uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices.
BBC Bitesize is the BBC’s free online study support resource for school-age students in the United Kingdom. It is designed to aid students in both schoolwork and, for older students, exams. It also contains invaluable support for careers and options as well as a section on mental health and well being.
Uni Compare.com is to ensure all students have access to free information that can guide them when they apply to university; as we know that students are not always aware of what resources available when considering their futures. We help students with their application, personal statements, independent rankings, as well as advice on student finance, and what campus life is really like.
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