It is a long established tradition for staff, governors and students entering the school to become a member of one of our five Houses. Each House has a Head of House and House Captains who have responsibility for leading the House. Students quickly form loyalties to their House and achieve a true sense of belonging.
The House system acts as a link between the different age groups in the school, providing them with opportunities for working and playing together. Typical of this is the appointment of students as House Captains to encourage and support House activities. There are also half termly House assemblies led by the Head of House.
We believe that Stockport School offers a chance for everyone to enjoy success. Being part of a winning team, whether you are a supporter or a participant is a great feeling! That is what the House system can do for you! Along with team success there are lots of opportunities to achieve individual success; working hard, attending, being on time, playing and performing and taking risks!
House Championship
The House Championship gives students a balance between academic rigours and social aspects of school life. The system provides a sense of competition and fun through a range of school based activities. The House System runs from September to July, with points being awarded for each event.
The Stockport School House Championship is awarded to the House with the overall highest number of points from all the different activities we run throughout the year. The House Championship is awarded in the final assembly of the school year and the trophy is presented to the winning Head of House and House Captains. House activities and successes are displayed in assemblies, around the school on TV’s, display screens and notice boards.
There are seven ‘House Shields’ that feed into the overall House Cup. These are events that involve a large number of participants and often take place over a longer period of time. These big activities are awarded a high tariff of House points. Activities on the House Championship calendar that take place each week in tutorials or that involve a smaller number of students, are awarded a lower number of House points.
The House shields are as follows:
- Attendance shield
- Homework shield
- House Points shield
- Sports shield
- Sports Day shield
- Charity shield
- Enrichment shield
The Heads of House are as follows:
- Red House – Mr Galvin
- Red House – Mr Galvin
- Blue House – Miss Watson
- Blue House – Miss Watson
- Green House – Mr Taher
- Green House – Mr Taher
- Yellow House – Mr Burgoyne
- Yellow House – Mr Burgoyne
- Orange House – Mr Miller
- Orange House – Mr Miller