School Events
Construction for Girls Day - 04/02/2025

Stockport School Got Talent Show Winners - 31/01/2024

Inter-House Cup - 05/09/2024

Dance - 12/07/2023
Ms Powell
Senior Prefect Team - 04/07/2023

Intergenerational Dementia Choir - 21/12/2022
Intergenerational Dementia Choir - 28/06/2023
Cheerleading - 19/06/2023

Music - 11/10/2022
Today is the day! Don’t forget to watch our very own Stockport School students with EDUCATE Stockport on tonight’s Episode 2 of ‘Our Dementia Choir Sings again’. 9PM BBC1. Bringing the power of music therapy in Dementia to a younger audience.With #OurDementiaChoirSingsAgain #OurDementiaChoirSingsAgain

Music - 28/03/2022
What an incredible time we had in the Main hall at Stockport School inspiring our musicians of the future. The Northern Chamber Orchestra, Matt Sharp, 100 students from Stockport School and classes from Dial Park and St George’s all took part in an inspiring collaborative concert. A big well done to all involved and to CDL Software for making it all possible.
Mrs Didcote
Music - 03/03/2022
A selection of Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 students had a great time yesterday taking part in workshops by Jamie and Naomi from the Northern Chamber Orchestra. We loved hearing their compositions inspired by the workshop and had a fantastic time making music. Stockport School can’t wait to hear how it all comes together in the final concert on 28th March and look forward to welcoming in the Chamber Orchestra along with St George’s CE Primary School and Dial Park Primary. A big thank you to CDL for making this all possible.
Mrs Didcote
Older School Events
Drama - 12/11/2019
Shakespeare Schools Festival 2019
Our hard working Y10s performed their version of Macbeth in the Shakespeare Schools Festival recently. The setting was a post-apocalyptic, post destructive climate change future, where society is rebuilding. UV paint, glow sticks, oil drums and gas masks helped to create the atmosphere, yet the imaginative and highly expressive acting really stole the show.
We are very grateful to our Y11 student directors Harley and Corin, and our performance tech managers Mia and Max, for creating the professional touches and modelling superb leadership.
The performance took place at the Z-Arts Theatre in Manchester, with 4 whole school assembly performances to Y7, 9, 10 and 11.
Bravo to all, you were amazing!
Mrs Stone.
Drama - 03/12/2019
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
The theatre itself was a surprising venue; as the show is set in the round, with the audience seated around the outside, a large space was required. It was originally planned for the Lake Street Gym, but the blackout material wouldn’t stick to the windows, so a last minute change of venue was required! The PE staff kindly donated the sports hall for the day and it was transformed into an immersive space with high tech lighting, sound and setting for the students to enjoy. The show featured physically demanding performances from all the actors, as much physical theatre, change of pace and movement was used throughout. The ensemble were highly cohesive and their control was impeccable throughout. An absolute joy to watch. Special mention must go to the actor playing Christopher (Cayvan Coates) who spent 90 minutes on stage in the most intensely emotional moments that demanded such commitment and focus; what an incredible achievement.
Simon and the cast shared their time and knowledge with a post-show Q+A, which allowed many ideas to be considred. Our students were truly inspired by the arts after seeing this show and spending time in the company of the wonderful theatre-makers. Our final, extra treat was to have not one, but two masterclasses! Simon spoke with 17 year 10/11s and inspired them with powerful messages about his play Punk Rock (which 4 students are doing for GCSE), new approaches to characters, being true, understanding deeply and most of all the importance of being a good person! Cayvan Coates and the Tour Director Anna Marsland did a masterclass with two students who are going to play Christopher in their own GCSE Drama exam after Christmas. – what a wonderful experience for Nate and Frank!
Mrs Stone.
An interview with Mrs Stone and BBC Radio can be heard here: