
“Attendance levels are above the national average.”

Students who are not here are not learning!

At Stockport School we are committed to promoting the welfare of our students through regular school attendance. We know that every day lost to education can have a serious impact on students’ attainments and overall progress in school. The link between good attendance and high levels of achievement is undeniable. Poor attendance and lateness may also be detrimental to the social adjustment and development of students.

We are therefore fully committed to promoting school attendance by providing an environment and ethos where all students feel safe and can build positive relationships with their peers. We expect that in return parents/carers ensure that students attend school and are punctual. Underpinning this policy is the belief that promoting good attendance is the responsibility of staff, parents and carers and this must be evident in our interactions with students. We expect students to attend school every day and arrive on time.

Attendance and the Impact of Absence – Our School Aims

Attendance is a key factor in success at Stockport School. The School and the Government place great emphasis on full attendance. 

Our attendance target for all students is 100% (190 days attended from 190) and we have a core expectation that all students achieve well over 97% attendance, missing no more than 6 school days throughout the year.

It goes almost without saying that regular attendance is essential to progress and success and for that reason I would hope that you will support us in helping your child to achieve well over 97% attendance each year.

Every day matters and each day missed hinders progress, see below:

  • 95% Attendance = 2 weeks off (52 lessons missed) per year, and 2 ½ months (260 lessons missed) – Almost a school term over a five-year period!
  • 90% Attendance = 4 weeks off (104 lessons missed) per year, and 5 months (520 lessons missed) – Almost half a year over a five-year period!

Our Attendance and Punctuality Policy seeks to outline the importance of good consistent attendance and punctuality upon educational success, it sets out our highest expectations for all students, and provides guidance as to how attendance can be maximised in school.

At Stockport School, we expect your child to be in school and ready to learn every morning for at least 8.30am to begin registration at 8.40am. The first ten minutes of a lesson are often key to the rest of the session and students who miss this time often struggle for the rest of the lesson. If this occurs even once, it could potentially mean that they are missing out on an hour or more of learning on that day. Persistent lateness could mean that even more learning time is missed which could have a knock-on effect on overall progress and attainment.
Lateness to school is unacceptable and result in a detention being issued unless the student has a valid reason and a parental note or telephone call. All students arriving late should sign in at the Attendance Office.
Reporting Absence
Parents are asked to contact school on every day that their child is unable to attend school, except where a doctor’s report has been provided indicating an expected return date. This can be done through a phone call to the school Office/Attendance line, by email or via the Studybugs app.
Where no reason for absence is provided, school will attempt to contact parents/carers by phone, text message, email or a home visit.
Requesting Leave of absence
Parents should be aware that there is no right to time off for a family holiday. Leave of absence for any reason is only granted in exceptional circumstances and is very unlikely to be granted for the purpose of a holiday.
Parents/carers are required to complete a Term Time Absence Request Form (available here) at least three weeks in advance of planned absence taking place. Parents must detail and evidence the exceptional circumstance of the request. Retrospective requests will not be considered and therefore will result in the absence being categorised as unauthorised.