Ethos and values
Our Vision, Ethos & Values – ‘The Stockport School Way’
At Stockport School we work together and with others to create a healthy, safe environment within which all of our students and staff can enjoy learning, make progress and achieve high standards. We expect all students and staff to participate fully and make a positive contribution to the school and our wider community; and, ultimately for our students, for them to become successful, motivated, confident, well-adjusted adults who achieve economic well-being.
Our Vision – ‘Ready to Learn’
What we are aiming to achieve for all of our students?
- Achieve high standards in their academic attainment and actively pursue fulfilment in their personal and social development;
- Apply and develop their personal, learning and thinking skills across a broad range of programmes;
- Excel in aspects of school life beyond the taught curriculum, including taking up and seeking local, national, and international opportunities to further their learning;
- Contribute positively to the well-being of the school and the wider community;
- Are E-confident learners prepared for living and working in a global society;
- Are prepared to contribute positively to society and capable of achieving economic well-being in their chosen career(s);
- Go on to further their education and personal development;
- Understand the importance of learning throughout their lives.
Our Ethos – ‘PROUD’
What characterises our students?
- Have an enduring set of commonly held values, and learn and live their lives by these;
- Have ‘personal best’ as a consistent goal;
- Are well behaved and self-disciplined;
- Are motivated, think creatively and are confident learners;
- Make informed choices and pursue healthy life-styles;
- Are respectful and tolerant of each other and different cultures;
- Have a strong sense of community;
- Have a strong sense of personal and social responsibility;
- Take pride in their own and the school’s achievements;
- Enjoy attending Stockport School and take an active part in their learning and school life;
- Are involved in the development of the school and help shape their educational experience.
The School Aims
The school’s vision: ‘Ready to Learn’ stems from our belief that success at all levels can only come through team work and partnerships between dedicated staff, disciplined and happy students, supportive parents, and an enthusiastic committed board of governors.
To nurture the ethos of “The Stockport School Way” the school has invested intentionally in personalised learning, the House system and extensive use of student rewards.
Our core PROUD values reinforce our ethos to ensure all students demonstrate these – Positivity, Respect, Opportunity, Unity and Determination.
The ‘Stockport School Way’ vision, ethos & values are fundamental to how we operate as a school, and our culture of shared high expectations for all members of our community are understood and are displayed widely across the school:
- Demonstrating a positive attitude to learning and engagement
- Showing consistent respect towards peers, staff, and our local community
- Making the most of all opportunities and supporting others to do so
- Working and interacting positively and in a unified manner with classmates and staff
- Always determined to achieve your best and overcome challenges by being ‘Ready to Learn’
Staff Lead: Miss C O’Gara
Examples of how SMSC development, including British Values have been actively promoted include:
- Student voice activities
- Citizenship lessons
- SEAL form time enrichment
- PSHE lessons
- Religious Education lessons
- Assemblies
- Charity events
- Sporting events
- Drop down themed days
- Educational visits
- School council
- Head boy/girl, house captains and prefect system
- Student mentoring
- Careers sessions
- House System
- Homework club
- Referral System