More Able/Gifted and Talented Provision
Our Vision
- We aim to provide an inclusive and integrated whole-school approach for our most able, with a focus on the unique strengths and talents of our young people.
- We recognise that intelligence and talents are not fixed and we encourage all students to fulfil their potential through extension and enrichment.
- We are committed to creating a culture where we celebrate effort, progress and achievement.
- We offer a curriculum model to stretch and challenge all our students
Who are defined as our ‘most able’ students?
There is no longer a requirement from the DfE to identify a fixed cohort of our most able students. In this context, we still choose to identify students who we feel are our most able to ensure there is sufficient stretch and challenge. Whilst prior KS2 data informs colleagues of those students who are potentially our most able within our school context, individual subject teachers are responsible for both identifying and responding to the needs of our most able. Subject teachers may identify a student based on a shared understanding of the characteristics of a most able student in their subject.
What does Stockport School do to drive our most able agenda?
- Stockport School has a Most Able/G and T policy which outlines the aims, vision and provision for our most able students
- An engaging and broad curriculum which offers stretch and challenge in the classroom
- Enrichment opportunities to strengthen wider knowledge and raise aspirations such as:
- Students can take part in KS2 Master Classes in a mentoring/supporting role
- English Mentoring Programme
- Numeracy Leaders
- Peer Reading
- Targeted revision for higher grades
- A-Level taster days
- Dementia friends
- Chess club
- Debate club
- Sports leadership opportunities
- School Drama Productions
- Technical team
- Charity activities
- Musical performances
- House Captains
- Senior Prefect roles, Prefects and Ambassadors
- Visiting speakers
- Subject focused trips
- Enrichment days
- Careers Programme
Who is responsible for coordinating the Most Able Agenda?
We have a Most Able/G and T Coordinator responsible for:
- Raising staff awareness of teaching and learning strategies which stretch and challenge our most able
- Promoting good practice and providing opportunities to observe challenge in the classroom
- Coordinating and delivering opportunities for staff CPD and bespoke training for target cohorts e.g. Carousels, Pupil Progress Meetings, KS2 Master Classes, Professional Practice
- Monitoring and analysing the subject nominations for most able
- Coordinating and leading on enrichment activities for our most able students
- To liaise with KS2 and KS5 providers in order to develop student aspirations (e.g. KS2 Master Classes, Careers Convention, A-Level Taster Days)
For further information, contact Ms L. Hatton email
The Gifted & Talented Policy is available here
How can I support my child at home to achieve their potential?
- Encourage your child to take an interest in current affairs by watching the news/documentaries so that they can appreciate the context of their learning– it is important for students to have a broad range of knowledge about current events
- Encourage your child to read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts – reading will support their understanding of vocabulary and build their core knowledge
- Provide your child with aspirations – consider visiting university campuses or research them online. Visit theatres and museums to provide a broad range of experiences
- Encourage your child to read beyond the curriculum – consider using some of the subject specific wider reading links to enhance their experience of a subject
- Encourage your child to take part in extra-curricular activities that they enjoy and learn new skills
- Don’t be afraid to ask your child’s teachers how you can support your child in a specific subject – class teachers will know best how your child can achieve their best in their subject
- Keep a balance between school work and home life – it is important for students to make time to relax as well as developing academic skills