
ICT Safety - Advice for Parents and Carers

At Stockport School student safety is central to our safeguarding and welfare ethos and this extends to online safety when using the internet and social networking sites.

We aim to ensure our students understand how to keep safe when using technology by identifying the associated dangers and what to do when they are concerned. Parents and carers have a crucial role in supporting the school with this – through a shared understanding of responsible use of technology we can advise and safeguard our students online. 

These pages offer advice and guidance for keeping young people safe online. There are also links below for further support on how to keep them safe on specific apps and sites which are popular with students. 

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) aims to keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.

Parents, carers and children can report a concern about child sexual abuse or online exploitation to the CEOP Safety Centre.


You can contact CEOP by clicking on the logo on this page. This links to the CEOP website where you can report any concerns you may have. Alternatively, click

What type of issues can be reported to CEOP?

  • am worried a child is being groomed online
  • A child has shared or requested a nude picture online and is now being threatened
  • A child is meeting up with someone they met online
  • A child has been asked to live-stream by people they do not know
  • I’ve noticed changes in a child’s behaviour which I think may be due to someone they met online
  • A child has learning difficulties and I am worried about the people they are talking to online
  • I am worried that a child’s abusive father/mother is trying to contact them online
  • I’ve noticed changes in a child’s behaviour which I think may be due to someone they met online
  • A child has learning difficulties and I am worried about the people they are talking to online
  • I am worried that a child’s abusive father/mother is trying to contact them online

What happens when a report is made?

All reports are assessed and responded to by CEOP’s specialist Child Protection Advisors. If a police response is necessary, it will be conducted in partnership with your local police force. CEOP’s Child Protection team are specialist workers who have helped


  • If parents, carers or students require support with online issues or guidance making a report to CEOP please contact the school