
Ofsted Inspection Reports

Stockport School was last visited by an Ofsted Inspection team on 10th & 11th December 2019, to assess us under the new much tougher, ‘2019 Education Inspection Framework’ (EIF).
An Ofsted Inspection is a very challenging, high-stakes process which undoubtedly creates a significant amount of additional pressure for staff, students and the wider school community, who find themselves being assessed and judged against extremely high-bar measures, by unknown external visitors.
I am delighted to report however, that we came together, as always, as a strong and unified community, to demonstrate our considerable strengths, as one of the very best schools in Greater Manchester. Our students were incredible, and were an absolute credit to their parents/carers, and to the school.
The Inspection report confirmed that:
“Senior leaders, including governors, lead the school well.” The school is “well-run and oversubscribed” and “leaders have high expectations of their pupils”. “Leaders aim to provide a first-rate and all-round education. They want to set pupils up for life.”
“The headteacher’s and deputy headteachers’ actions are guided by pupils’ best interests. These leaders have also won the support of the staff. Teachers and other staff work well to do the best that they can for pupils.”
“Staff know pupils well and they are highly vigilant.”
“Pupils study an academic and ambitious curriculum” and “Pupils arrive to lessons on time. They are ready to learn and try hard in lessons. They usually behave well around school. Pupils say that they feel happy and safe at school. They say school is a good place to make friends and to learn.” As a result “Pupils achieve well, across most subjects, in national examinations.”
Having witnessed our community in action during this most recent inspection, I have no doubt that due to our strong moral purpose, commitment and drive, we will undoubtedly continue to go from strength to strength, for the good of our students and our community. I am therefore incredibly proud to be associated as the Headteacher of such a brilliant school!
I have attached for your information, a copy of the official Ofsted Report. I hope that you enjoy reading the Report (attached below), as well our previous 2018 Ofsted Report, which is also attached for your information.
Mr. I. R. Irwin    

DfE compare School Performance Table

School Performance

The Class of 2024 are Record Breakers!

An outstanding set of results!

Stockport School is again pleased to report outstanding achievements by our students on their GCSE and vocational qualifications this summer, breaking many school records this year. We are very proud to share our school headline measures below, and how they compare to national data.

Our students have been rewarded for their incredible hard work and their high levels of engagement in learning, throughout school since year 7 and into their final GCSE years. They demonstrated our PROUD values of Positivity, Respect, taking Opportunities, and demonstrating Unity and Determination.

Our teachers and support staff have worked tirelessly to prepare our students for their exams and they too have been rewarded with excellent results.

We are so proud of our school team, both students and staff, and we wish our Class of 2024 the congratulations they deserve and all the very best for their future.

Thank you to everyone for your support.


Velis Et Remis.

Results 2024 (1)
Results 2024 (2)
Results 2024 (3)