
Welcome to Stockport School SEND department

At Stockport School we strive to create an inclusive teaching environment that offers all pupils, no matter their needs and abilities, a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. We are committed to offering all pupils the chance to thrive and fulfil their aspirations.

We believe that high quality teaching is the most important factor in supporting young people’s progress and this is the driving force of our curriculum. We recognise that each student is unique and we celebrate this diversity and look to recognise the unique potential in each young person. Our teachers know their pupils really well and adapt their teaching to meet the individual needs of our students.

We work closely with students, parents/carers and outside agencies to:

  • Create an inclusive environment in which all students feel safe and a valued part of the Stockport School Community.
  • Enable students with SEND to function as independently as possible within the school environment and the outside world
  • Create a partnership in which the school, home and other agencies work together for the benefit of students with SEND.

We know that many families have experienced difficulty in getting the right support in place for their child and we understand that navigating statutory processes can be difficult and terminology can be complex and confusing. We aim to work with you to remove these barriers. Please explore the information below to understand how we support young people with SEND at Stockport School.

If you have not found what you are looking for on this page, or if you need more support, please contact  and we will be more than happy to help.