Emotional & Mental Wellbeing – Stockport Services for Young People
These documents have been put together by staff from the NHS, School Improvement, Education Psychology, Beacon Counselling, CAMHS and Public Health. These 2-page summary sheets aim to provide an at-a-glance guide to the services that work with the school and are available for young people in Stockport in relation to mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Divided into three age groups: primary age, secondary age and 16-25, they are not an exhaustive list of all the services and groups in Stockport, but instead a quick reference guide to the key services dealing with particular issues. Each summary sheet details the available support under three headings: support available in school / further or higher education; support available in the community and support online, (the majority of which are Stockport based services that offer web support). The second of each sheet gives a brief summary of all the services listed and their contact details.
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