

Whilst the vast majority of our students arrive on the school premises on time, we are concerned for the small minority of students who arrive at school late, after lessons have begun. 

At Stockport School, we expect your child to be in school and ready to learn every morning for at least 8.30am to begin registration at 8.40am. The first ten minutes of a lesson are often key to the rest of the session and students who miss this time often struggle for the rest of the lesson. If this occurs even once, it could potentially mean that they are missing out on an hour or more of learning on that day. Persistent lateness could mean that even more learning time is missed which could have a knock-on effect on overall progress and attainment.

If your child, like most of our students, has had an excellent attendance and punctuality record over the past term, as can be checked from their recent Grade Card, then it is worthy of note and recognition, as your child is clearly putting themselves in a very strong position for future success. However, if your child has generated any number of late marks or absences during the past term, I would ask you to take this opportunity to discuss the importance of maintaining consistently good attendance and punctuality and the negative impact that it is likely to have upon their learning and progress if they are unable to do so. This may mean that you need to encourage your child to get up/leave for school earlier. We appreciate any support you can offer so we can work towards improving attendance and punctuality across the school and therefore, enhancing progress and outcomes for all of our students.

Lateness to school is unacceptable and is punishable by a detention unless the student has a valid reason and a parental note or telephone call. All students arriving late should sign in at the Attendance Office.

Lateness to lessons is monitored by staff using our Lesson Monitor system, and students who are regularly late are referred to the Pastoral Manager or Director of Progress. Attendance and punctuality are monitored by the school, the Local Authority, and the DfE.