Stockport School requests that parents and carers avoid asking for days off school for their child as refusal often offends!
Leave of Absence and Family Holiday Requests
Parents should be aware that there is no right to time off for a family holiday. Leave of absence for any reason is only granted in exceptional circumstances and is very unlikely to be granted for the purpose of a holiday.
Legal amendments were made to The 2006 Education Act (Pupil Registrations – England) which came into force in September 2013. The amendments make it clear that it is no longer possible for Headteachers to grant a leave of absence for family holidays. Leave of absence during term time can now only be granted if ‘there are exceptional circumstances’.
The Annual School Calendar should be used carefully to avoid taking time off during the school year which can be disruptive to your child’s education, frustrating for their teachers and for which the Headteacher can no longer give permission.
Absence is a handicap to a student’s academic progress, and creates extra stress on your child when they have to copy up work missed. Absences for non-essential appointments may clash with pre-examination revision periods, examination dates, coursework deadlines, and other important events in the school. Supporting a student when they return from an absence reduces the teacher time available for other students in the class.
We ask that you arrange medical and dental appointments after the school day or in holidays wherever possible. If your child needs to leave during the day, or arrives late due to such an appointment, a note or the appointment card should be brought in to school.
The school reserves the right to withdraw the examination entry of students who have unauthorised absences.