
Parental Consultation

It has always been a priority of the school to ask for views from parents, particularly when developing new systems. Your views are always very much appreciated and help to influence some of our actions. Mr Irwin and the senior team intend to continue to strengthen the links that we have with parents, and to act on your views when possible. We would like to hear as many views about the school as we can. There are regular meetings for parents and carers to meet with school staff on various issues such as behaviour, rewards, homework, progress and curriculum.

We have an active Parents’ forum which meets regularly with Mr Rough, Assistant Headteacher, and other senior staff.
If you would like to join this group, please contact Mr P Rough.

Minutes of Parents Discussion Group Meetings

Dates of Future Parents’ Group Meetings

The Parent Forum consists of a group of parents who meet every term and give parents the opportunity to meet key staff, listen to topics in relation to your child’s education and ask questions. We believe it is important we work together to build community links through the forum and that parents/carers have the chance to voice their own viewpoints.

Prior to every meeting an agenda is drawn up which allows effective transmission of information and ensures clarity and understanding for all parties.

Parents wishing to raise agenda items or to join the forum as a representative are invited to contact Assistant Headteacher, Mr P Rough.

The next Parent Forum meeting date will be TBC.

For further info please contact Assistant Headteacher, Mr P Rough.

Parental Surveys

Stockport School greatly values constructive feedback, opinions, and involvement of its parents and students towards the further development of the school. As such, we seek to assess regularly, the opinions of our parents and students via surveys and questionnaires. This is aimed at helping us to improve and develop our provision even further. The school is always responsive to feedback that it receives.

Attached below, are copies of recent surveys and questionnaires, together with any constructive feedback that we have received. In summary, the feedback continues generally to be overwhelmingly positive of Stockport School’s provision and strategy. Our aim is to continue to maintain and build upon this.

Surveys and Questionnaires

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Parent View

Please give your views on the school here (12 short questions) – thanks to all those who have already filled it in.

Recent Feedback

Subject: Y11 Leaver. Thank you all

I wanted to send an email to you personally to give a heartfelt thank you to both you,  your school and all your teachers.  

X joined Stockport School in 2019, as a shy and slightly awkward Year 7. His journey with you this last 5 years has been nothing but positive,  and that is down to the school’s values and your incredible and hard working staff .

X has been encouraged and pushed in exactly the right way,  and he genuinely LOVES his school.  (How many children can say that and mean it?)  Your staff have nurtured him,  supported and encouraged and made learning fun and engaging. He has made some lovely friendships and had what I can only say,  cliché as it is… the best years of his life.   

X decided to become X a year ago,  which at the time was difficult for me as a parent,  but the support we received from school was excellent. There has literally been nothing but support and no judgement,  meaning X has been able to get more and more confident by the day,  and feel completely accepted for who he is.   

Thank you especially to Mrs Carrington who was so very supportive during this time.  

I cannot pinpoint one teacher as they have all been truly amazing. X’s passion and obsession is Geography,  and both Mr Starczan and all the Geography dept teachers have made learning fun,  energetic, engaging and I’ve watched his grades grow and grow and hopefully he will get his much wanted Grade 9. 
Your Geography team are a credit to you!

Mr Pattison has been a great mentor to X as a form tutor and Spanish teacher,  and again pushed and supported him so well with the changes he went through.  

Mr Hardman has inspired X from Day 1!  The gusto and passion for Business Studies has been passed down to the pupils and made an important subject fun ! So much so that X has now decided to take  Business as an A Level. 

Miss Cannon has somehow made a child who disliked maths with a vengeance in Year 7 and struggled,  move up to higher maths and improve his Maths by so many grades.  He is now confident as she has pushed and developed him so so much.  I cannot thank her enough for this personally.

Miss Eddleston has an incredible approach with English and has once again pushed X and made him see English in a way he never did before being in her lessons.  Her clear love for English and belief in the pupils has seen X’s grades fly so much higher than they were 5 years ago.   

Sciences… Mr Jepson is a legend apparently according to X, and Mr Beever and Mrs Perkins. Again,  grades improving due to discipline and pupil engagement. 

I would like to thank you for reading a very long email but felt I had to say thank you. Not all children have such a positive experience at High School,  but my child has and its down to your teachers and the schools values. 
I would not hesitate to recommend your school to anyone.  

I do hope this email can be fed back to your staff, and thank you for the tireless hours your team have  put into after school and weekend enrichment in the run up to the GCSEs.

Yours,  gratefully


“Strong relationships with parents have been forged. The vast majority of parents are strongly supportive of the school and would recommend Stockport School to other prospective parents.”